Your Boston Homes Search Results |
583 Massachusetts Avenue
South End
Enjoy this gorgeous corner 3 bed/1.5 bath condo with spectacular skyline views of Boston; Sun filled throughout with 15 windows from all four sides; Elegantly renovated baths; Updated granite Kitchen with custom cherry cabinets; Separate dining room; 15 Historically accurate 2015 updated wood panel double-pane windows; New 2015 Tankless energy..
List Price: $899,000
Square Ft: 918
22 Liberty Drive
Twenty Two Liberty
Seaport District
Twenty Two Liberty, exquisitely designed striking homes with glass window walls, architecturally crafted Balconies, dramatic ceiling heights, flawlessly styled interior with the finest quality materials & finishes. Enjoy all fine amenities: work out at “Stretch 22”, the awe-inspiring private fitness Club; dine with friends at the exclusive Harbor..
List Price: $1,395,000
Square Ft: 1035
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